Politics are present and discussed throughout the Bible explains Pastor Adam Ericksen when asked is the church becoming too political.

Adam Ericksen & Lindsey Paris-Lopez find joy in the questions of John the Baptist’s followers and Jesus’ subversive response.

Pastor Adam Ericksen answers the question “What is the point of prayer?” by explaining God knows what we need, but not what we want.

John the Baptist calling the Pharisees a brood of vipers is not a peaceful exchange declare Adam Ericksen & Lindsey Paris-Lopez.

Pastor Adam Ericksen answers the question “Is the Bible the Word of God?” by first stating he does not believe the Bible is the Word of God.

dam Ericksen & Lindsey Paris-Lopez explore the apocalyptic passage that begins Advent and ask what are we asleep to in these days.

Pastor Adam Ericksen answers the question “Do you have to be religious to be saved?” with Bonhoeffer’s plea for a religionless Christianity.

Pastor Adam Ericksen poses the question “Why are younger generations leaving their churches?” and explores how Jesus would approach the situation.

Pastor Adam owns his status as a heretic and invites you to do the same, “for even Jesus was accused of heresy.” He also explores what it means to truly be a Christian.

Suzanne Ross reveals how belonging is achieved through both positive and negative means. Which way of belonging do you seek?