Adam and Lindsey follow Jesus grieving the death of John the Baptist to a deserted place where he feeds throngs from emptiness to abundance.

Guest author Paul Dumouchel explains the relationships, power dynamics, and victims of rival and displaced conflicts.

Lindsey and Adam discuss Matthew 9:35-10:8, shining the light of God’s expanding, all-inclusive love and showing Cananean lives matter.

Pastor Adam explains how the God of the Old Testament was merciful. God stated through Hosea “I desire mercy not sacrifice”.

Pastor Adam answers the question “What did Jesus accomplish on the cross?” by explaining theories of atonement and highlight forgiveness.

Pastor Adam addresses the question of how to to interpret the Bible. He explains we are not Biblians, we are Christians who follow Jesus.

Lindsey and Adam look closely at the story of Lazarus, seeing patterns of accusation and a world caught up in violence.

In a world that can be so quick to “cancel,” Lindsey Paris-Lopez poses four ways we can have compassionate accountability.

In Part 2 of his God & Violence series, Pastor Adam Ericksen debunks a common interpretation of the biblical story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, offering insight into the nonviolent nature of God.

Why would a nonviolent God flood the earth? Pastor Adam Ericksen finds the God who flooded the earth scary and “not safe for children.” Learn why.