Baptism is the immersion into a new life of Love.
Adam and Lindsey unmask Jesus from exclusive theology and violent cultural lenses. But, during Covid times, Jesus would wear a mask! Loving others as Jesus loves us requires us to wear a mask too!
“And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him. And a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, the Beloved, with you I am well pleased.”
The heavens are being ripped open, and God is descending upon us. Before our very eyes, the Ultimate Power tears through the skies. Do we tremble? Do we wish we could run away?
Or do we open our ears and our hearts and our souls to the message that breaks through our structures of chaos and violence and vengeance to declare the glorious truth: “You are my beloved child; with you I am well pleased?”
The Ultimate Power bursts through a world order shaped by violence and reveals its divine Self to be Love. The message we hear, the message that commissions us on our lifelong journeys to, is that we are loved.
At the time of this recording, the United States was reeling from armed insurrectionists who had tried to assert the power of force to overturn the 2020 election. What if they – what if we – knew that true power was found not in violence but in love? What if we knew that all of our ultimate identities are unique expressions of Love, bound together to need and serve one another? What if our actions sprang from this ever-flowing river of Love.
Baptism is the immersion into a new life of Love. Adam and Lindsey kick off the new year with this commission from the Holy Spirit, to know we are loved and to let Love guide our actions as we go forward. As the nation and world unravel in chaos, Love is the ever-flowing water that quickens new life out of the ashes of destruction.
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