Pastor Adam and Matthew DiStefano dive into the origin of the contemporary Christian heresy of the rapture and its impact on Christianity.

Pastor Adam applauds the controversy Lil Nas X created with the daring statement “if that’s your heaven, I will pick hell”.

Pastor Adam links the rising racism against Asians and Vatican opposition to blessing same sex marriages to toxic Christian supremacy.

Pastor Adam Ericksen explains how we imitate others consciously and unconsciously, even our enemies. He offers a model of love and inclusion.

When Jesus created a whip and drove sheep and cattle out of the Temple, he was overturning a sacrificial system and providing kickass mercy.

Pastor Adam introduces his ebook “Unlearn the Bible: How The Same Stories that Have Been Used to Harm Can Be Interpreted in a Constructive, Hopeful, Loving Way that Helps Us Become Our Most Awesome Selves.”

Pastor Adam and Brian McLaren to discuss his latest book, “Faith After Doubt: Why Your Beliefs Stopped Working And What To Do About It.”

A progressive Christian pastor, Pastor Adam explains the history, politics, and impact of the Evangelical Christian opposition to abortion.

As Lent begins, Adam and Lindsey follow Jesus into the wilderness where his experiences of temptation shape our good news. It’s Lent!

In his book, “Faith After Doubt,” Brian McLaren navigates complex personal faith journeys, revealing faith after doubt is revolutionary love.