Raven Radio
Pastor Adam discusses the Rapture, Lauren Boebert’s theater performance, Christian Nationalism and the economy of God.
Pastor Adam Ericksen is joined by Dr. Sharon Putt to discuss the question is God violent. Scripture shows God’s unending love for his people.
Dr. Ryan Hansen joins Pastor Adam Ericksen to discuss Paul’s view of flesh. They answer the question does Paul believe flesh is evil.
For Jesus, the important commandments are to love God and love our neighbor as ourselves. Pastor Adam Ericksen asks how do we love ourselves.
Author Matthew Distefano joins Pastor Adam Ericksen to discuss what the Bible says about using drugs. Their insights offer wise guidelines.
Professor Mark Waters joins Pastor Adam Ericksen to discuss what is religious pluralism, and how it can bring unity, not division.
Pastor Adam Ericksen further reveals the Nicene Creed is actually progressive by detailing the difference one iota makes.
Pastor Adam Ericksen reveals the Nicene Creed is actually progressive by explaining the subversive political nature of its statements
Continuing to answer if the Bible just another ancient myth, Pastor Adam Ericksen compares the Babylonian creation myth with the Jewish creation story and Dionysus to Jesus, both Gods of Wine.
Continuing to answer if the Bible just another ancient myth, Pastor Adam Ericksen compares the Egyptian god Horus to Jesus.