Healing Stories of the Bible
Lindsey Paris-Lopez delves into how Abram’s blessing from God began with the subversion of scapegoating and rivalry.
The destruction of the Tower of Babel was not an act of rivalry by God, but a scattering from ritual sacrifice explains Lindsey Paris-Lopez.
God’s destruction of the world by flood is not a tale of God’s vengeance explains Lindsey Paris-Lopez, but a flood of human violence.
In Genesis 3 and 4, the world created as good experiences blame, jealousy, and murder, “Oh, my!” Lindsey Paris-Lopez exclaims then explains.
In her reading of Genesis 2, Lindsey Paris-Lopez explores humanity’s role in creation through the perspective of help, not hierarchy.
Lindsey Paris-Lopez starts her series Healing Stories of the Bible in the beginning, in Genesis where God’s creation is all good.