Film Discussion: Postcards from Babylon with Brian Zahnd

How does the church stay faithful to the beautiful way of Jesus while situated in one of the most divisive political climates in our nation’s history?


This episode is a Collaborators Discussion interview recording hosted by Pastor Adam Ericksen with Brian Zahnd about his documentary “Postcards from Babylon: The Church in American Exile.”

About Post Cards from Babylon

Postcards From Babylon is a long-form documentary featuring author and pastor, Brian Zahnd, as he investigates possibly the most important question for the church in North America today:

How does the church stay faithful to the beautiful way of Jesus while situated in one of the most divisive political climates in our nation’s history?

The film explores how Christians seeking proximity to power has led to a hyperpartisan Nationalistic posture that is demonstrably hindering the witness of Christ.

As exiled citizens of a superpower nation, Christians’ deepest allegiance must be to the peaceful Kingdom of God, and from that posture they must always speak truth to power…no matter the cost.

The Olive

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“One Question with Pastor Adam” is a Raven Foundation production.

“One Question with Pastor Adam” is back for Season 2, and is now a Facebook Live show in addition to being a podcast! Tune in to the live broadcast on the Raven Foundation Facebook page on Thursdays at 2p CT. Podcast episodes will become available the following Monday.

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