Watch the replay of our Mimetic Invitations Launch Party, where we watched the first two videos in our Mimetic Invitations series with commentary from a panel of interdisciplinary experts!

Lindsey Paris-Lopez examines the rivalry between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr in the musical “Hamilton” then offers a way to coexist, and even thrive, with our rivals.

Pastor Adam Ericksen explains how, as social beings, we imitate others consciously and unconsciously, even our enemies. He offers a model that leads us into love and inclusion.

Pastor Adam Ericksen offers three reasons mimetic theory will give you hope even in these difficult times.

In the story of “Solomon’s Wisdom in Judgment”, Pastor Adam Ericksen sees the prostitute who is willing to give up her child so he can live as a Christlike figure.

Can Christianity be toxic? Suzanne Ross reflects on Kevin Miller’s new documentary, J.E.S.U.S.A., and offers an antidote for toxic Christianity.

Adam Ericksen reveals the models who shaped his desire to be a pastor and how people in our lives make us into who we are.

Suzanne Ross continues the introduction to Mimetic Theory by examining peer pressure, its source, its consequences, and what God offers in those moments.

Suzanne Ross explains how our desires are created by models and not just the models who appear in ads. The good news is we can choose our models.