Tag: repentance
In this episode, Pastor Adam examines New Year’s resolutions and how perfectionism can kill inspiration and action.
This episode of “One Question with Pastor Adam” addresses the question of patriarchy in the the Bible asking is scripture anti-women.
This episode of “One Question with Pastor Adam” addresses the progressive Christian reticence around sin and repentance with spiritual Drano.
Adam and Lindsey explain Jesus is subverting the most common human ideas of how to bring about peace and justice in a violent world.
In this episode of Jesus Unmasked, Lindsey Paris-Lopez and Adam Ericksen celebrate the Bread of Life as the love of the forgiving victim.
On Easter evening, when Jesus breaks in to the room where the disciples gather in fear, he offers them peace and forgiveness, then eats fish.
Adam and Lindsey appreciate the scientific mind of trust-but-verify Thomas. Jesus’ reaction reveals the power of forgiveness.
America’s response to September 11, 2001 was scapegoating and violence. Lindsey Paris-Lopez explains how these tools will never bring lasting peace using the Bible story of Jonah and the Whale.
Adam convinces Lindsey to celebrate as we enter the season of Lent together! Happy Ash Wednesday, let’s celebrate.
Adam and Lindsey explain we have to change our entire outlook on what saves us. This is what repentance is all about.