Tag: rivalry
Adam Ericksen and Lindsey Paris-Lopez join James and John in pondering what are we getting ourselves into when we follow Jesus.
Pastor Adam Ericksen explains how, as social beings, we imitate others consciously and unconsciously, even our enemies. He offers a model that leads us into love and inclusion.
As we look forward to the future with hope, Lindsey Paris-Lopez outlines three guiding principles to create lasting, impactful change for the better.
In the story of “Solomon’s Wisdom in Judgment”, Pastor Adam Ericksen sees the prostitute who is willing to give up her child so he can live as a Christlike figure.
Guest author Paul Dumouchel explains the relationships, power dynamics, and victims of rival and displaced conflicts.
Lindsey Paris-Lopez explores mimetic doubling in three works of popular fiction: Star Wars, The Hunger Games, and Harry Potter.
Pastor Adam explains the inclusive message of Jesus and the wisdom demonstrated by members of other religions in Scripture.
Pastor Adam answers the question “What is the criteria for being a Christian?” by citing Pope Francis as an example of a follower of Christ.
Suzanne Ross continues the introduction to Mimetic Theory by examining peer pressure, its source, its consequences, and what God offers in those moments.
Martie Reineke explains the psychology of disgust and outrage to help us navigate these emotions. She also provides suggestions for how to neutralize disgust in ways that can foster better politics in our nation and in the world.