Continuing to answer if the Bible just another ancient myth, Pastor Adam Ericksen compares the Babylonian creation myth with the Jewish creation story and Dionysus to Jesus, both Gods of Wine.

Continuing to answer if the Bible just another ancient myth, Pastor Adam Ericksen compares the Egyptian god Horus to Jesus.

Author Matthew Distefano joins Pastor Adam Ericksen to discuss the insights of Matthew’s new book, “What is the Wisdom of Hobbits?”

Pastor Adam answers a powerful and provocative question from Jane on TikTok, “Is God evil?” Learn how Adam answers this persistent question.

Pastor Adam declares we have been trained in the myth of redemptive violence, but Jesus’ words lead us to embrace nonviolent Christianity.

In this recording from the archives, Adam discusses how to overcome white supremacy with former Skinhead and author Christian Picciolini.

In Genesis 3 and 4, the world created as good experiences blame, jealousy, and murder, “Oh, my!” Lindsey Paris-Lopez exclaims then explains.

Adam Ericksen and Lindsey Paris-Lopez join James and John in pondering what are we getting ourselves into when we follow Jesus.

When a nation fails to follow Leviticus 19:34, they should be critiqued. Israel’s the oppression of Palestinians must stop.

Pastor Adam plumbs the depths of Gareth Higgins new book “How Not To Be Afraid” which wisely offers both practices and storytelling.