God’s glory is exposing the lie of our faith in violence by revealing it in all of its ugliness and horror.
“Jesus Unmasked” is now a FB live as well as a podcast! Adam and Lindsey unmask Jesus from exclusive theology and violent cultural lenses. But, during Covid times, Jesus would wear a mask! Loving others as Jesus loves us requires us to wear a mask too.
“Father, glorify your name.” “I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again.”
When we think of glory, we often think of rulers on thrones, or magnificent processions, or dazzling displays of wonder. Triumph, victory, power, honor…
But sometimes, glory really sucks.
Jesus has only days to live. He has already had his triumphant Palm Sunday ride into Jerusalem, and now, he has just been told by his disciples that “some Greeks” wish to see him. Instead of going to talk to them, Jesus takes this as a sign that the end is near and starts speaking about his death.
Jesus has been interpreting Torah through a lens of mercy in both words and actions. The Sermon on the Mount and the parables have been an interpretation of Judaism. But he’s about to show a universal message of love to the whole world. Instead of going to “the Greeks” who wish to see him, Jesus will give them, and everyone else, a message on the cross.
That message is this: “God is the victim of human violence. Any violence done in the name of God is ultimately done to God. But God’s answer to human violence is forgiveness, mercy, and love.”
Jesus is troubled that he is going to die. He is sad and scared, but he knows what he has to do. “Father, glorify your name,” he says. And God reassures him by saying he has already glorified his name, and will glorify it again. Jesus’s self-giving love, which is leading him to the cross, has not been in vain, but has honored the Source of Love.
God’s glory is exposing the lie of our faith in violence by revealing it in all of its ugliness and horror. In this moment, our own judgment against each other is judged and overthrown. Humiliated, beaten, naked, and dying, Jesus reveals God’s glory by showing the boundless reaches of God’s mercy.
When Jesus dies and rises again, he will draw all people – and all things – to himself. The Love in which we already live and move and have our being will become more clear to us, and we will start to live beyond the boundaries of death and fear that now confine us.
If we are drawn to Jesus, we must also be drawn to the victims of violence and oppression and fear and hate all over the world. How are we drawn to the victims of violence today? What does love call us to learn and give and do for the vulnerable and the suffering?
Adam and Lindsey and friends reflect on all of this and much more.
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