Pastor Adam reveals the Scripture passages that express the divine as feminine in response to the question is God a woman.

Pastor Adam explores Matthew 19 to show how Jesus said male and female, but then moved beyond gender binaries with his acceptance of eunuchs.

Adam and Lindsey view the intersection of Transgender Day of Visibility and Holy Week as celebration of Jesus, our Mother.

Pastor Adam continues the conversation with Leo Wolters Tejera as he answers questions about our transgender siblings.

Pastor Adam begins his conversation with Leo Wolters Tejera who shares the journey of coming out and creating a pastoral ministry.

Pastor Adam Ericksen shares how both God and the United States Constitution both affirm transgender people, and reminds us of the second great commandment: to love our neighbors.

Pastor Adam explains transgender people are awesomely made in the image of God as a response to “What does God day about transgender people?”