Adam Ericksen

Author Bio:

Education Director, UCC pastor, husband, father of three, preaching the love of Jesus and one another

Social Media Links/Relevant Links

The joy of same sex marriage

The Joy of Same Sex Marriage

Pastor Adam shares the joy he shared in officiating a same sex marriage and welcomes recent comments on homosexuality by Pope Francis.

Is the bible worth keeping with Leo Welters Tejera

Is the Bible Worth Keeping with Leo Wolters Tejera

Pastor Adams joins Leo Wolters Tejera for a lively discussion that questions if the Bible is worth keeping.

Is the Bible Fact or Fiction?

Is The Bible Fact or Fiction?

People often ask Pastor Adam if the Bible is fact or fiction. Pastor Adam explains the Bible is written in response to historical events.

Happy New Year - Perfectionism kills

New Year’s Edition – Perfectionism Kills

In this episode, Pastor Adam examines New Year's resolutions and how perfectionism can kill inspiration and action.

What Caused You To Be a Defender of the LGBTQ Community?

What Caused You To Be a Defender of the LGBTQ Community?

In this episode, Pastor Adam responds to the question "what caused you to be a defender of the LGBTQIA community?

Braver Angels with Melinda Voss

Braver Angels with Melinda Voss

Melinda Voss of Braver Angels, the US largest cross-partisan, volunteer-led movement to change our politics for the better, joins Pastor Adam.

How to remember who you are

How To Remember Who You Are

We live surrounded by messages telling us who we are. Pastor Adam offers guidance on how to remember who we are, beings formed in God's love.

The Top 3 Most Underrated Chapters of the Bible

The Top 3 Most Underrated Chapters of the Bible

Pastor Adam ranks the top three underrated chapters of the Bible with advice from his social media friends, then announces his surprising pick.

who is the christlike witch of the Bible?

Who Is the Christlike Witch of the Bible?

Pastor Adam answers the question "Who is the Christlike Witch of the Bible?" by relating the story of Saul, Samuel, and the Witch of Endor.

Google's Top Theology Questions

Google’s Top Theology Questions

In this episode, Pastor Adam dives into Google's top theology questions to provide the answers you've been searching for.

Are You Still Here? The Rapture, Lauren Boebert, and Christian Nationalism

Pastor Adam discusses the Rapture, Lauren Boebert's theater performance, Christian Nationalism and the economy of God.

Is God Nonviolent with Dr. Sharon Putt

Is God Nonviolent with Dr. Sharon Putt

Pastor Adam Ericksen is joined by Dr. Sharon Putt to discuss the question is God violent. Scripture shows God's unending love for his people.

Did Paul Think that Flesh Is Evil?

Did Paul Think that Flesh Is Evil? with Dr. Ryan Hansen

Dr. Ryan Hansen joins Pastor Adam Ericksen to discuss Paul's view of flesh. They answer the question does Paul believe flesh is evil.

What They Don't Tell You About the Greatest Commandment

What They Don’t Tell You About the Greatest Commandment

For Jesus, the important commandments are to love God and love our neighbor as ourselves. Pastor Adam Ericksen asks how do we love ourselves.

What Does the Bible Say about Using Drugs?

What Does the Bible Say about Using Drugs? with Matthew Distefano

Author Matthew Distefano joins Pastor Adam Ericksen to discuss what the Bible says about using drugs. Their insights offer wise guidelines.

What Is Religious Pluralism

What Is Religious Pluralism? with Professor Mark Waters

Professor Mark Waters joins Pastor Adam Ericksen to discuss what is religious pluralism, and how it can bring unity, not division.

The Difference One Iota Makes

Is The Nicene Creed Actually Progressive? Part 2 – The Difference One Iota Makes

Pastor Adam Ericksen further reveals the Nicene Creed is actually progressive by detailing the difference one iota makes.

Is the Nicene creed actually progressive

Is The Nicene Creed Actually Progressive?

Pastor Adam Ericksen reveals the Nicene Creed is actually progressive by explaining the subversive political nature of its statements

Creation and Gods of Wine

Is the Bible Just Another Ancient Myth? Part 3 – Creation and Gods of Wine

Continuing to answer if the Bible just another ancient myth, Pastor Adam Ericksen compares the Babylonian creation myth with the Jewish creation story and Dionysus to Jesus, both Gods of Wine.

Horus and Jesus

Is the Bible Just Another Ancient Myth? Part 2 – Horus and Jesus

Continuing to answer if the Bible just another ancient myth, Pastor Adam Ericksen compares the Egyptian god Horus to Jesus.

Does Romans 1 Condemn Homosexuality

Does Romans 1 Condemn Homosexuality?

Romans 1 is used to condemn homosexuality, but Pastor Adam reveals that isn't what Paul was addressing in that epistle.

Does Romans 1 Condemn Homosexuality

Is the Bible Just Another Ancient Myth?

Many people ask is the Bible just another ancient myth. Pastor Adam Ericksen compares ancient myths to Scripture and the God who is revealed.

is the devil real

Is the Devil Real?

Pastor Adam Ericksen dives into one of our fundamental questions - is the devil real. Adam shows how the devil is represented in Scripture.

What Star Wars Can Teach Us About Good and Evil

May the Fourth Be with You – What Star Wars Can Teach Us About Good and Evil

On May the Fourth, Pastor Adam Ericksen described what Star Wars can teach us about good and evil and parent-child relationships.

What is the wisdom of hobbits

What is the Wisdom of Hobbits? – with Matthew Distefano

Author Matthew Distefano joins Pastor Adam Ericksen to discuss the insights of Matthew's new book, "What is the Wisdom of Hobbits?"

How the Book of Revelation Deconstructs Empire with Dr. Ryan Hansen

How the Book of Revelation Deconstructs Empire with Dr. Ryan Hansen

Dr. Ryan Hansen joins Pastor Adam Ericksen to show how the Book of Revelation deconstructs empire, revealing God is redeeming human life.

resurrecting through hell

Resurrecting Through Hell

Pastor Adam explains what Scriptures say Jesus did on Holy Saturday when he descended into hell. He resurrected through hell.

what is holy week

What is Holy Week?

Pastor Adam details the message and meaning of each day of Holy Week, revealing new levels of meaning to this time in the Christian calendar.

Is God evil

Is God Evil?

Pastor Adam answers a powerful and provocative question from Jane on TikTok, "Is God evil?" Learn how Adam answers this persistent question.

I am the way

What Did Jesus Mean By, “I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life?”

In John 14:6, Jesus declares "I am the way, the truth, and the life." Pastor Adam explains the way. the truth, and the life of Jesus is love.

is God a woman

Is God A Woman?

Pastor Adam reveals the Scripture passages that express the divine as feminine in response to the question is God a woman.

Should Women Lead in the Church?

Should Women Lead in the Church?

The Southern Baptist Convention recently removed five churches for having women pastors. Pastor Adam asks if women should lead in the church.

What is nonviolent christianity

What is Nonviolent Christianity?

Pastor Adam declares we have been trained in the myth of redemptive violence, but Jesus' words lead us to embrace nonviolent Christianity.

What is God's Plan

What is God’s Plan?

Pastor Adam explores the question, "What is God's plan?" by looking deeply into the words God spoke through the prophet Jeremiah

The joy of same sex marriage

The Joy of Same Sex Marriage

Pastor Adam shares the joy he shared in officiating a same sex marriage and welcomes recent comments on homosexuality by Pope Francis.

Mailbag Episode

Mailbag Episode!

Pastor Adam dives into the mailbag, gathers mail from readers and answers a wide range of important questions in this episode.

Paul the Progressive

Paul the Progressive (with Dr. Eric Smith)

Dr. Eric Smith joins Pastor Adam to reframe the image of the apostle Paul from cranky misogynist to inclusive progressive.

Why Christian Nationalism Is Not Christian

Why Christian Nationalism Is Not Christian

Pastor Adam offers an explanation of why Christian Nationalism is not Christian then examines its long history in the US and other nations.

How Do I Hold Onto Joy

How Do I Hold Onto Joy?

While religion can often seem burdensome and joyless, Pastor Adam offers recommendations on how to hold onto the joy Jesus promises.

The Knot: The Problems and Future of Marriage (with Dana Robert Hicks)

The Knot: The Problems and Future of Marriage (with Dana Robert Hicks)

Dr. Dana Robert Hicks explains the knotty problems of marriage and its history then offers recommendations for creating loving relationships.

Is God All Powerful? A Theology of Consent (with Jonathan Foster)

Is God All Powerful? A Theology of Consent (with Jonathan Foster)

Reverend Doctor Jonathan Foster deconstructs the classic theology of an all-powerful God in his book "Theology of Consent".

Where True Love Is (With Suzanne and Declan)

Where True Love Is (With Suzanne and Declan)

Declan and Suzanne De Witt Hall, Where True Love Is movement founders, offer a Bible based connection of LGBTQIA+ and Christian faith.

Masculinity and Fatherhood (with Romal Tune)

Masculinity and Fatherhood (with Romal Tune)

Current crises for men discussed by Pastor Adam and speaker/author Romal Tune are masculinity, fatherhood, and the book "I Wish My Dad".

The Bible’s Evolution of Divine Nonviolence (with Tony Bartlett)

The Bible’s Evolution of Divine Nonviolence (with Tony Bartlett)

Pastor Adam and author Tony Bartlett discuss Tony's new book which details the Bible's evolution of divine violence.

What Parts of the Bible Should I Take Literally?

What Parts of the Bible Should I Take Literally?

Pastor Adam answers the complex question what parts of the Bible should be taken literally by examining the history of Scripture.

A Witch’s Path (with Seba The Southern Fried Witch)

Pastor Adam explores Matthew 19 to show how Jesus said male and female, but then moved beyond gender binaries with his acceptance of eunuchs.

Do I Stay Christian? (with Brian McLaren)

Do I stay Christian? (with Brian McLaren)

Pastor Adam explores Matthew 19 to show how Jesus said male and female, but then moved beyond gender binaries with his acceptance of eunuchs.

But Jesus said Male and Female: How Jesus Moves Beyond Gender Binaries

But Jesus said Male and Female: How Jesus Moves Beyond Gender Binaries

Pastor Adam explores Matthew 19 to show how Jesus said male and female, but then moved beyond gender binaries with his acceptance of eunuchs.

How to Overcome White Supremacy with Christian Picciolini

How to Overcome White Supremacy with Christian Picciolini

In this recording from the archives, Adam discusses how to overcome white supremacy with former Skinhead and author Christian Picciolini.

Mental Health with Gary Marschke

Mental Health with Gary Marschke

In a 2020 recording from the archives, Adam Ericksen discusses mental health with Gary Marschke, a representative of NAMI.

The Top 8 Things You Can Do about Gun Violence with Micheal Garcia

The Top 8 Things You Can Do about Gun Violence with Micheal Garcia

In dialogue with former police officer Micheal Garcia, Adam Ericksen outlines the top 8 things you can do about gun violence.

The American Gun Problem

The American Gun Problem

Adam Ericksen explores the American Gun Problem by citing statistics and Scripture. He invites us to more forward without violence.

The Supreme Court & Roe v. Wade

The Supreme Court & Roe v. Wade (with Alison Gary)

Alison Gary explains to Adam the history of Roe v. Wade, the leak and its precedent, and the implications of this draft decision.

Evangelicalism and Satanism

Evangelicalism and Satanism (with John Morehead)

John Morehead explains his role in religious diplomacy as he engages with Satanists, evangelicals, and exvangelicals.

Can we trust God?

Can we trust God? (with Gena St. David)

Gena St. David answers the question can we trust God by explaining neuroscience's understanding of how trust rewires the brain.

What does it mean to be “born again”?

Matthew DiStefano joins "One Question with Pastor Adam" to discuss his latest book "Don't Be A D*ck" and the advice it offers.

Don't be a d*ck

Don’t Be A D*ck with Matthew DiStefano

Matthew DiStefano joins "One Question with Pastor Adam" to discuss his latest book "Don't Be A D*ck" and the advice it offers.

Is the Bible Anti-Women?

Is the Bible Anti-Women?

This episode of "One Question with Pastor Adam" addresses the question of patriarchy in the the Bible asking is scripture anti-women.

Sin, Repentance, & Spiritual Drano

Sin, Repentance, & Spiritual Drano

This episode of "One Question with Pastor Adam" addresses the progressive Christian reticence around sin and repentance with spiritual Drano.

The Beloved Community

Martin Luther King’s Hope: The Beloved Community

Adam Ericksen highlights Martin Luther King Jr.'s vision of the beloved community which is anchored in the love and nonviolence of Jesus.

All Flesh Shall See Salvation

All Flesh Shall See Salvation

Pastor Adam Ericksen ponders the Advent peace candle, its message that all flesh shall see salvation, and our current reality.

Why It’s Okay To Pray for Yourself

Why It’s Okay To Pray for Yourself

Adam Ericksen explains why it’s okay to pray for yourself and, if you're a fan like he is, the Portland Trailblazers.

Why I Support Satanism

Why This Pastor Supports Satanists

After encountering a Satanist Uber driver and getting support from Satanist TikTokers, Adam Ericksen sees Satanism in a new light.

Interview with Raven Award Winner Andrew Ahn

Interview with Raven Award Winner, Film Director Andrew Ahn

Adam Ericksen's interview of 2020 Raven Award Winner Andrew Ahn about his film "Driveways" reveals behind the scenes stories.

Postcards from Babylon

Film Discussion: Postcards from Babylon with Brian Zahnd

Adam Ericksen explores the nationalistic posture of the American Church illustrated in "Postcards from Babylon" with its author Brian Zahnd.

Sin, Repentance, & Spiritual Drano

1946: How a Mistranslation in the Bible Harmed Our LGBTQIA Siblings

Adam Ericksen discusses the documentary 1946: How A Mistranslation in the Bible Harmed Our LGBTQIA Siblings with its director Rocky Roggio.

King David, Solomon, & Political Responsibility

The Bible tells two different stories about the kings of Israel. Pastor Adam sees the importance of critiques of leaders like King David.

Israel's Oppression of Palestinians Must Stop

Israel’s Oppression of Palestinians Must Stop

When a nation fails to follow Leviticus 19:34, they should be critiqued. Israel's the oppression of Palestinians must stop.

How was the bible formed

How was the Bible formed?

Pastor Adam answers the question how was the Bible formed by first debunking the DaVinci code conspiracy theory about the Council of Nicaea.

unlearning the bible

TikTok Series: Unlearning the Bible

Pastor Adam Ericksen offers a TikTok video series as guides for unlearning the Bible interpretations that separate us from God and one other.

Policing in the US with Micheal Garcia

Policing in the US with Micheal Garcia

Pastor Adam's guest, former police officer Micheal Garcia, discusses policing in the US and its need for accountability and better training.

unlearning christian homophobia

TikTok Series: Unlearning Christian Homophobia

Pastor Adam Ericksen offers a TikTok video series to guide us in unlearning Christian homophobia and become welcoming to all.

How Not To Be Afraid with Gareth Higgins

How Not To Be Afraid with Gareth Higgins

Pastor Adam plumbs the depths of Gareth Higgins new book "How Not To Be Afraid" which wisely offers both practices and storytelling.

Why You Should Not Believe In the Rapture with Matthew Distefano

Why You Should Not Believe In the Rapture with Matthew Distefano

Pastor Adam and Matthew DiStefano dive into the origin of the contemporary Christian heresy of the rapture and its impact on Christianity.

The Lil Nas X Controversy: If That's Your Heaven I Will Pick Hell

The Lil Nas X Controversy: If That’s Your Heaven I Will Pick Hell

Pastor Adam applauds the controversy Lil Nas X created with the daring statement "if that's your heaven, I will pick hell".

Rising Racism Against Asians and Why the Vatican Missed

Rising Racism Against Asians and Why the Vatican Missed

Pastor Adam links the rising racism against Asians and Vatican opposition to blessing same sex marriages to toxic Christian supremacy.

Introduction to My Ebook: Unlearn the Bible

Introduction to My Ebook: Unlearn the Bible

Pastor Adam introduces his ebook "Unlearn the Bible: How The Same Stories that Have Been Used to Harm Can Be Interpreted in a Constructive, Hopeful, Loving Way that Helps Us Become Our Most Awesome Selves."

Faith After Doubt with Brian D. McLaren

Faith After Doubt with Brian D. McLaren

Pastor Adam and Brian McLaren to discuss his latest book, "Faith After Doubt: Why Your Beliefs Stopped Working And What To Do About It."

A Progressive Christian Pastor Speaks on Abortion

A Progressive Christian Pastor Speaks on Abortion

A progressive Christian pastor, Pastor Adam explains the history, politics, and impact of the Evangelical Christian opposition to abortion.

The Clobber Texts

The Clobber Texts

Pastor Adam debunks interpretations of the six clobber texts and other passages used against the LGBTQIA Community.

In this episode, Pastor Adam shares 6 steps to truly forgive.

6 Steps to Truly Forgive

Pastor Adam offers 6 steps in the process to forgive another, but warns against spiritual abusers who demand the forgiving of another.

What Do You Do When Your Church Goes Viral? with Reverend Dr. Chris Davies

Reverend Dr. Chris Davies joins Pastor Adam to discuss what you do when your church goes viral after Adam's church signs went viral.

Our Transgender Siblings Belong (Part 2): A Conversation with Leo Wolters Tejera

Our Transgender Siblings Belong (Part 2): A Conversation with Leo Wolters Tejera

Pastor Adam continues the conversation with Leo Wolters Tejera as he answers questions about our transgender siblings.

Why is Jesus called the Son of God?

On the day of their anointing, the powerful Hebrew kings were called son of God. Through his life, Jesus transforms our understanding of God.

Our Transgender Siblings Belong (Part 2): A Conversation with Leo Wolters Tejera

Our Transgender Siblings Belong: A Conversation with Leo Wolters Tejera

Pastor Adam begins his conversation with Leo Wolters Tejera who shares the journey of coming out and creating a pastoral ministry.

Christmas and Incarnation

The incarnation represents the union of God with humanity, inviting all humanity to become one with God by following Jesus. Merry Christmas!

Holy Wisdom and the Divine Feminine

Holy Wisdom and the Divine Feminine

Pastor Adam finds comfort and nourishment during troubling times in holy wisdom and the divine feminine also known as Sofia.

Managing Grief and Loss During the Holidays

Managing Grief and Loss During the Holidays

Pastor Adam explores how to manage grief and loss during the holidays while reflecting on the death of his mother 20 years ago.

who is your model

Know Thyself – Who Is Your Model?

Pastor Adam Ericksen explains how, as social beings, we imitate others consciously and unconsciously, even our enemies. He offers a model that leads us into love and inclusion.

Are prayers for God to overturn the election valid?

Are prayers for God to overturn the election valid?

Pastor Adam determines whether prayers on videos posted to the internet asking God to overturn the results of the election are valid.

Talents Shouldn’t Be Buried

Talents Shouldn’t Be Buried (But Imperial Greed Should Be!)

Adam and Lindsey dive into the parable to the three servants who were given talents to manage. One learned talents shouldn't be buried.

How could my family member vote like that?

How could my family member vote like that?

Pastor Adam wrestles with the question how could my family member vote like that and how to respond to them in a loving and Christian way.

The Bible is Antifascist

The Bible is Antifascist

Pastor Adam explains how the Bible is antifascist, opposing power and holding kings accountable for their indifference to the poor.

Churches Should Embrace Our LGBTQIA Siblings

The Pope’s Decision & Why Churches Should Embrace Our LGBTQIA Siblings

Pastor Adam is joined by Amira Stanley in celebrating the Pope' embrace of same sex civil unions and the move to expanded inclusion.

mimetic theory will give you hope

3 Reasons Why Mimetic Theory Will Give You Hope

Pastor Adam Ericksen offers three reasons mimetic theory will give you hope even in these difficult times.

Is it okay to believe in science and religion?

Is it Okay to Believe in Science and Religion?

Pastor Adam reflects on two miracle as he answers the question is it okay to believe in science and religion.

What is the Unforgivable Sin?

What is the Unforgivable Sin? (with Matthew Distefano)

Matthew Distefano joins Pastor Adam to answer the question what is the unforgivable sin Jesus mentions in the Gospel of Matthew.

How should people of faith respond to the presidential debate?

How should people of faith respond to the presidential debate?

Pastor Adam answers the question how should people of faith respond to the presidential debate by challenging white supremacy.

When the World is Ending

What Do You Do When It Feels Like the World is Ending?

Pastor Adam reflects on recent events, turns to the Bible to define "apocalypse," and illuminates how to find hope in hopeless times.