In his book, "Faith After Doubt," Brian McLaren navigates complex personal faith journeys, revealing faith after doubt is revolutionary love.
You’re Invited: Unlearning Violence with Melvin Bray
Suzanne Ross invites Melvin Bray to discuss the social addiction of violence and how we can begin unlearning it.
Fake Freedom and How To Find the Real Thing
Suzanne Ross uses Christ's Sermon on the Mount to examine fake freedom and to answer the question "How free are you?"
Mimetic Invitations Launch Party
Watch the replay of our Mimetic Invitations Launch Party, where we watched the first two videos in our Mimetic Invitations series with commentary from a panel of interdisciplinary experts!
Dancing with Mimetic Theory
In this post from the archives, Suzanne Ross debunks two misconceptions about mimetic theory while illustrating the choice it offers between dancing and violence.
Fake Goodness Kills … What You Can Do About It
Suzanne Ross takes you out of your comfort zone as she examines two instances of goodness gone bad, and offers three ways to practice authentic goodness.
Meet René Girard
Get to know René Girard, his life, and one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century: the mimetic insight.
The Collaborators Podcast
The Collaborators Podcast is a 7-part interview series that continues the conversations started at the Collaborators Conference for the Flourishing of Nonviolent Christianity.
When the Need is Urgent, Take it Slow: Reflections on the Collaborators Conference
Raven Foundation co-founder Suzanne Ross reflects on the 2020 Collaborators Conference, sharing some of the conference's highlights with the invitation to "go slow."
Finding Your Voice with Jeff McLean
Vocal coach Jeff McLean shares his personal faith journey, his experience growing up gay in Mormon Church, how he had to redefine his relationship with God, and working through trauma with the promise "it does get better."
How to Respond to President Trump’s Blasphemy: Raven Values for Times of Crisis
Raven Foundation Co-Founder Suzanne Ross responds to President Trump's blasphemous use of the Bible in response to the recent #BlackLivesMatter protests and offers Raven's values as guidance during these turbulent times.
The Secret of Life: An Interview with Audrey Assad
Suzanne Ross interviews the 2019 Raven Award winner, Audrey Assad. In their conversation they explore faith, Audrey's music, God's love, and the secret of life.
Countering the Idea of Counterwill: A Terrible Theory About the Terrible Twos
Can Christianity be toxic? Suzanne Ross reflects on Kevin Miller's new documentary, J.E.S.U.S.A., and offers an antidote for toxic Christianity.
Toxic Christianity: 3 Things We Can Do That Will Make Jesus Cry
Can Christianity be toxic? Suzanne Ross reflects on Kevin Miller's new documentary, J.E.S.U.S.A., and offers an antidote for toxic Christianity.
Coping with Social Distancing: 4 Spiritual Practices to Fill the Gaps with Love
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Suzanne Ross provides context with mimetic insight and offers 4 spiritual practices to support healthy social distancing.
Audrey Assad: 2019 Raven Award Winner
Suzanne Ross introduces the 2019 Raven Award Winner, singer/songwriter Audrey Assad.
A (Brief) History of Religion and Violence: An Ancient Love Story
Does Christianity cause violence or does it offer a path to peace? Suzanne Ross explores the relationship and history of religion and violence as a love story, illuminated by René Girard’s mimetic theory.
Why Did God Become a Child? The answer will change your life.
Suzanne Ross ponders on the doctrine of the Incarnation and brings up insights that will change the way you think about yourself, your relationships, and where God is present in your life.
Naked and Unashamed: Creating the Conditions for Lifelong Love
In a swipe-right world, is it possible to find lifelong love? Suzanne Ross shares what the Bible has to say and shares three tips on how to be more authentic and vulnerable.
Seduced by Scandal: How to Become Unscandalized
What happens when scandal strikes? Suzanne Ross delves into the truths behind scandals, why scandals happen, and offers three tips to become "unscandalized."
The Truth Seeker’s Guide to Belonging
Suzanne Ross reveals how belonging is achieved through both positive and negative means. Which way of belonging do you seek?
Suzanne’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
In the freshmen year of high school, Suzanne Ross was taught God is love. But for her and her classmates, that did not seem like good news.
Taking Up the Cross Part 7 – The Biggest Loser
Suzanne Ross concludes the introduction to Mimetic Theory by examining how Jesus' death reveals and makes visible the scapegoating mechanism.
Taking Up the Cross Part 6 – The Scapegoating Solution
Suzanne Ross continues the introduction to Mimetic Theory by examining how scapegoating brings about unity and certainty of goodness.
Taking Up the Cross Part 5 – Polarization and All That Jazz
Suzanne Ross continues the introduction to Mimetic Theory by examining peer pressure, its source, its consequences, and what God offers in those moments.
Taking Up the Cross Part 4 – What’s God Got to Do With It?
Suzanne Ross continues the introduction to Mimetic Theory by examining peer pressure, its source, its consequences, and what God offers in those moments.
Taking Up the Cross Part 3 – My Models and Me
Suzanne Ross explains how our desires are created by models and not just the models who appear in ads. The good news is we can choose our models.
Taking Up the Cross Part 2 – Desire This
Human beings are mimetic or imitative. While this might be thought of as bad, it's how we learn and understand one another, Suzanne Ross explains.
Taking Up the Cross Part 1 – Change Your View
In the first of seven posts, Suzanne Ross explains mimetic theory is in nuthsell, what it offers, and how it changes your view of the world and of life.
Rape Culture on College Campuses: Advice for Victims
Have you ever blamed yourself for some horrible thing that happened to you? Suzanne Ross offers advice to victims of rape culture on college campuses.
Unless We Change: Children Lead the Way to Peace
Only change can bring about peace. Suzanne Ross joins Jesus and Maria Montessori in the belief we should look to children for guidance along the way.