Christ Has a Black Body. Christ Lives in America. Christ Can’t Breathe.

A black life is worth a hammer.


An important message from Pastor Adam: “Christ Has a Black Body. Christ Lives in America. Christ Can’t Breathe.” He shares the sermon he gave on Pentecost Sunday. In the sermon he refers to theologian James H. Cone’s book, “God of the Oppressed” which asserts Jesus was black. Adam and Cone connect Jesus’ death’s on the cross by asphyxiation to the death of many blacks in America by lynching and other forms of asphyxiation.

The Olive

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“One Question with Pastor Adam” is a Raven Foundation production.

“One Question with Pastor Adam” has completed seasons one and two and is now a Facebook Live show in addition to being a podcast! Tune in to the live broadcast on the Raven Foundation Facebook page on Thursdays at 2p CT. Podcast episodes will become available the following Monday.

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