Tag: hell
Pastor Adam Ericksen begins with the word Sheol to lead an exodus from hell so we can unlearn what we’ve been taught about salvation.
Pastor Adam Ericksen offers a TikTok video series as guides for unlearning the Bible interpretations that separate us from God and one other.
Pastor Adam Ericksen offers a TikTok video series to guide us in unlearning Christian homophobia and become welcoming to all.
Pastor Adam applauds the controversy Lil Nas X created with the daring statement “if that’s your heaven, I will pick hell”.
Adam and Lindsey view the intersection of Transgender Day of Visibility and Holy Week as celebration of Jesus, our Mother.
Pastor Adam challenges the idea Christianity is a hell avoidance project and asks what if Jesus is sending Christians straight to hell.
Pastor Adam Ericksen addresses one question that’s been submitted by listeners. Some of the topics to be explored include: the Bible, heaven and hell, who is Jesus, and do you have to be a Christian to be saved.
“Jesus Unmasked” seeks to remove the masks of exclusive theology and violent cultural lenses that obscure the truth of Jesus’s unconditional love.
Pastor Adam explains Jesus views heaven and hell as relational, as existing in present, and commands us to love God and our neighbors.
Pastor Adam answers the question “What happens when we die?” with Paul’s belief in Romans that nothing can separate us from the love of God.