Lindsey Paris-Lopez

Author Bio:

Lucky wife, blessed and busy mother, life-long seeker, writer, poet, inherent aptitude for puns and parodies, car radio karaoke-r, reader of fantasy, and believer that peace is possible.

Social Media Links/Relevant Links

Abram's Blessing and the Subversion of Scapegoating

Abram’s Blessing and the Subversion of Scapegoating (Genesis 12-13; 20)

Lindsey Paris-Lopez delves into how Abram's blessing from God began with the subversion of scapegoating and rivalry.

Scattered From Sacrifice The Tower of Babel

Scattered From Sacrifice: The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11)

The destruction of the Tower of Babel was not an act of rivalry by God, but a scattering from ritual sacrifice explains Lindsey Paris-Lopez.

A Flood of Violence

A Flood of Violence (Genesis 5-9)

God's destruction of the world by flood is not a tale of God's vengeance explains Lindsey Paris-Lopez, but a flood of human violence.

blame jealousy murder

Blame, Jealousy, Murder… Oh My! (Genesis 3-4)

In Genesis 3 and 4, the world created as good experiences blame, jealousy, and murder, "Oh, my!" Lindsey Paris-Lopez exclaims then explains.

Humanity's Role In Creation

Humanity’s Role In Creation: Help, Not Hierarchy (Genesis 2)

In her reading of Genesis 2, Lindsey Paris-Lopez explores humanity's role in creation through the perspective of help, not hierarchy.

In the Beginning, It's All Good

In the Beginning, It’s All Good: An Introduction to Healing Stories of the Bible

Lindsey Paris-Lopez starts her series Healing Stories of the Bible in the beginning, in Genesis where God's creation is all good.

Hope In a Vulnerable Baby

SERIES FINALE | Hope In a Vulnerable Baby: The Weird and Wonderful Story of Christmas (Luke 2:1-20)

Adam Ericksen and Lindsey Paris-Lopez celebrate the hope offered to the world by the birth of a vulnerable baby in a manger to an unwed teen.

Surprising and Subversive Genealogy of Jesus

The Surprising and Subversive Genealogy of Jesus (Matthew 1:1-17)

Adam Ericksen and Lindsey Paris-Lopez explain Matthew's genealogy of Jesus does not gloss over the injustices committed by his ancestors.

Carrying God Within Us

The Magnificat: Carrying God Within Us (Luke 1: 46-55)

Adam Ericksen and Lindsey Paris-Lopez celebrate the courage of Mary expressed in The Magnificat and invite everyone to carry God within us.

roll the stone from our heart

Rolling The Stone Away From Our Hearts (John 11:32-44)

Adam Ericksen and Lindsey Paris-Lopez examine Jesus' response to the death of Lazarus and the miracle of his resurrection.

How Would Jesus Interpret the Scriptures: The Way of Love

How Does Jesus Interpret Scriptures? The Way of Love

Lindsey Paris-Lope illustrates how Jesus interprets the scriptures through the way of love and mercy, not sacrifice.

Faith that heals

Faith That Heals, Not Faith That Harms (Mark 10:45-52)

Adam Ericksen and Lindsey Paris-Lopez admire the faith of Bartimaeus and the compassion in Jesus' healing act.

Following Jesus: Do We Know What We're Getting Ourselves Into?

What We’re Getting Ourselves Into? (Mark 10:35-45)

Adam Ericksen and Lindsey Paris-Lopez join James and John in pondering what are we getting ourselves into when we follow Jesus.

Imagine all the people sharing all the world

Imagine All The People Sharing All The World (Mark 10:17-31)

Adam Ericksen leads the conversation imagining all the people sharing all the world with love and compassion as Jesus showed us.

have faith and question everything

Have Faith Like A Child and Question Everything (Mark 10:2-16)

Adam and Lindsey examine the faith of a child which includes curiosity, wonder, and questions about everything, including divorce.

Stumbling Blocks, Severed Limbs, and Living In Peace

Stumbling Blocks, Severed Limbs, and Living In Peace (Mark 9:38-50)

Adam and Lindsey find comfort in Jesus stating those who are not against us are for us, but then wrestle with the imagery of severed limbs.

servant leadership

Servant Leadership (Mark 9:30 -37)

Adam and Lindsey describe how Jesus’s glory comes not through self-aggrandizement, but through complete self-giving, servant leadership.

Satan and Crosses and Shame... Oh My!

Satan and Crosses and Shame… Oh My! (Mark 8: 27-38)

Adam and Lindsey explain Jesus is subverting the most common human ideas of how to bring about peace and justice in a violent world.

unlearning Islamophobia

Unlearning Islamophobia and Building Interfaith Friendships

Lindsey Paris-Lopez brings her experience of converting to Islam then returning to Christianity to guide us in unlearning Islamophobia.

Filthiness is Next To Godliness

Filthiness is Next To Godliness (Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23)

The unwashed hands of the disciples cause debate. Adam and Lindsey ponder is filthiness next to godliness?

communion is anti-cannabilism

Communion is Anti-Cannibalism (John 6: 51 – 58)

In this episode of Jesus Unmasked, Lindsey Paris-Lopez and Adam Ericksen reflect on Jesus saying "eat of my flesh and drink of my blood''.

more bread more life

More Bread, More Life, But No More Exclusive Interpretations, Please! (John 6: 35, 41-51)

Lindsey Paris-Lopez and Adam Ericksen embrace Jesus' giving more bread, more life but without exclusive interpretations.

truth is the bread of life

Truth is the Bread of Life (John 6:24-35)

In this episode of Jesus Unmasked, Lindsey Paris-Lopez and Adam Ericksen celebrate the Bread of Life as the love of the forgiving victim.

is Jesus out of his mind

Is Jesus Out of His Mind? (Mark 3:20-35)

In this episode of Jesus Unmasked, Lindsey Paris-Lopez and Adam Ericksen reflect on Jesus saying "eat of my flesh and drink of my blood''.

What Is Salvation and What’s Up with the Trinity? (John 3: 1-17)

In this episode, Lindsey Paris-Lopez and Adam Ericksen explore what is salvation and what's up with the Trinity?

Fire and Judgment… In A Good Way! Happy Pentecost! (John 15:26 – 16:26)

On Pentecost, Lindsey Paris-Lopez and Adam Ericksen celebrate fire and judgment in a good way, the way of redemptive love.

failing to walk on water

Overcoming Salvation Anxiety: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Father’s Atheism

Lindsey Paris-Lopez reveals how her father's lack of belief in God through struggle, doubt, and anxiety, ultimately deepened and strengthened hers.

In the World But Not Of It – What Does That Mean?

In the World But Not Of It – What Does That Mean? (John 17:6-19)

In the world, but not of it leaves many wondering what does that mean? Adam and Lindsey offer their understanding.


Forget “Commands”; Jesus EMPOWERS Us to Love

Forget the word command when Jesus tells us to love one another say Adam and Lindsey. Understand Jesus empowers us to love.

Shepherding, Policing, and Transforming Everything

Shepherding, Policing, and Transforming Everything

Adam and Lindsey believe we must bring a new understanding of shepherding and policing to begin the transforming of injustice and racism.

Jesus Breaks In and Eats Fish

Jesus Breaks In and Eats Fish

On Easter evening, when Jesus breaks in to the room where the disciples gather in fear, he offers them peace and forgiveness, then eats fish.

Trust-But-Verify Thomas and the Power of Forgiveness

Trust-But-Verify Thomas and the Power of Forgiveness

Adam and Lindsey appreciate the scientific mind of trust-but-verify Thomas. Jesus' reaction reveals the power of forgiveness.

Jesus Our Mother: Transgender Day of Visibility and Unlearning Violent Atonement

Jesus Our Mother: Transgender Day of Visibility and Unlearning Violent Atonement

Adam and Lindsey view the intersection of Transgender Day of Visibility and Holy Week as celebration of Jesus, our Mother.

Lesson from Lady Gaga

Lessons from Lady Gaga: Building Beloved Community Through Unlearning White Supremacy

Inspired by Lady Gaga's speech at the Beloved Community Awards 2021, Lindsey Paris-Lopez provides five steps for unlearning white supremacy.

When God's Glory Really Sucks

When God’s Glory Really Sucks

Jesus glorified his Father by suffering a brutal crucifixion. Adam and Lindsey agree this is when God's glory really sucks.

“For God So Loved The World”: Why This Is Good News For EVERYONE

Adam and Lindsey explain why the statement "for God so love the world", which some use to exclude, is good truly news for everyone.

Jesus's Kickass Mercy in the Temple

Jesus’ Kickass Mercy in the Temple

When Jesus created a whip and drove sheep and cattle out of the Temple, he was overturning a sacrificial system and providing kickass mercy.

Live In Such A Way As To Piss Off The Powers That Be

Live In Such A Way As To Piss Off The Powers That Be

Adam and Lindsey confront two harsh sayings of Jesus, realizing the message is to live in such a way as to piss off the Powers that be.

Good News; It's Lent

Good News; It’s Lent

As Lent begins, Adam and Lindsey follow Jesus into the wilderness where his experiences of temptation shape our good news. It's Lent!

Jesus Lights The Way Through Darkness To Love

Jesus Lights The Way Through Darkness To Love

Transfiguration Sunday shows Adam and Lindsey how Jesus lights the way through the darkness of the Lenten journey to love.

The Gospel Wouldn’t Have Gotten Anywhere Without Women

The Gospel Wouldn’t Have Gotten Anywhere Without Women

Jesus heals Peter's mother-in-law. She immediately begins to serve them. In that generous act, Adam and Lindsey understand she is a disciple.

The Badass Authority of Knowing You Are Loved

The Badass Authority of Knowing You Are Loved

The authority of Jesus that startles the scribes is the badass authority of knowing you are loved explain Adam and Lindsey.

Starting Anew; Leaving the Old Behind: A Special Inauguration Day Jesus Unmasked

Starting Anew; Leaving the Old Behind: A Special Inauguration Day Jesus Unmasked

When Jesus called the disciples, they left everything old behind to start anew. No longer fishermen, they were to become fishers of people.

The Call of Discipleship

The Call of Discipleship

The savior, the one who will lead us all into a new life, comes from the margins and gathers unlikely followers to the call of discipleship.

Baptism: Immersing Ourselves In A New Life of Love

Baptism: Immersing Ourselves In A New Life of Love

Baptism is the immersion into a new life of Love. Love is the ever-flowing water that quickens new life out of the ashes of destruction.

Merry Christmas! The Love that Banishes Fear

Merry Christmas! The Love that Banishes Fear

The wonder of God, the Love that transforms the world, banishes all the fear. In the bleak darkness, the light breaks forth. Merry Christmas!

The Magnificat: Mary’s Courageous Love

The Magnificat: Mary’s Courageous Love

Mary's song, the Magnificat, expresses her courageous love while being deeply personal, deeply political, and also universal and holy.

Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord!

Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord!

Adam and Lindsey reflect on John the Baptist’s call to prepare the way for Jesus who comes to heal where we are most broken.

Hamilton Rivalry Redemption

Hamilton: Rivalry, Redemption, and How Not to Kill Your Frenemy

Lindsey Paris-Lopez examines the rivalry between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr in the musical "Hamilton" then offers a way to coexist, and even thrive, with our rivals.

sheep goats judgment

Sheep, Goats, and Judgment

Adam and Lindsey view the intersection of Transgender Day of Visibility and Holy Week as celebration of Jesus, our Mother.

road tp recovery

The Road to Recovery: 3 Guiding Principles for Building An Infrastructure of Compassion

As we look forward to the future with hope, Lindsey Paris-Lopez outlines three guiding principles to create lasting, impactful change for the better.

Share your oil

Share Your Oil! Changing Our Perspective from Win-Lose to Abundance

Adam and Lindsey discuss the perplexing parable of the foolish bridesmaids and recommend everyone to share your oil!

resistance persistence and hope

The Sermon on the Mount: Resistance, Persistence, & Hope in Troubled Times

From the archives: Lindsey Paris-Lopez takes us to the Sermon on the Mount for a message of hope that is more timely and relevant than ever.

It’s All About the Beatitudes

It’s All About the Beatitudes, Baby!

Adam and Lindsey explore the radical call to action in the Beatitudes. Because it's all about the Beatitudes, Baby!!

Ultimate Authority Affirms Same-Sex Unions

The Ultimate Authority Affirms Same-Sex Unions

The Pope appeals to the Church to support same-sex unions. Adam and Lindsey say this appeals to the greatest authority, Love.

God, Empire, Taxes

God, Empire, Taxes…Oh My!

Pharisees set a trap for Jesus by asking about paying taxes. Jesus tells them to give to empire what belongs to it and to God what is God's.

God is not a murderous king

God Is Not A Murderous King and Other Lessons In Parables

When pondering how the parables of Jesus can guide us in these disconcerting times, Lindsey Paris-Lopez discovers a new call to hope and determined action.

Kicked Out of Wedding Banquet

Getting Kicked Out of the Wedding Banquet

Matthew 22: 1 - 14 relates a parable of a king who held a wedding feast. Adam and Lindsey ask who's getting kicked out of the wedding banquet.

Placeholder temp

Why Prostitutes and Tax Collectors are First in God’s Kingdom

Adam and Lindsey and friends talk about what authority is and why prostitutes and tax collectors are first in the Kingdom of God!

Wicked Tenants and a Merciful God

Wicked Tenants and a Merciful God

In the parable of the wicked tenants, Adam and Lindsey warn against its anti-Semitic readings then reveal the presence of the merciful God.

what Jonah can teach us

Lessons From the Belly of the Beast: What Jonah Can Teach Us On 9/11

America's response to September 11, 2001 was scapegoating and violence. Lindsey Paris-Lopez explains how these tools will never bring lasting peace using the Bible story of Jonah and the Whale.

Prison reform and restorative justice

The Truth Will Set You Free: The Theological and Practical Case for Prison Reform and Restorative Justice

The theological and practical case for prison reform and restorative justice is grounded in the truth revealed by Jesus. He demonstrated how punitive and sacrificial systems reinforce rather than quell violence explains Lindsey Paris-Lopez.

A Pilgrimage in a Pandemic

Eid Al Adha: A Pilgrimage in a Pandemic

In unprecedented times, the Islamic holiday Eid Al Adha (also called the "Festival of the Sacrifice") can't be celebrated according to tradition. Lindsey Paris-Lopez ponders on sacrifice, community, and calls for empathy as we all embark on a pilgrimage to find compassion within ourselves.

From Emptiness to Abundance

9th Sunday After Pentecost: From Emptiness to Abundance (Feeding 5000+)

Adam and Lindsey follow Jesus grieving the death of John the Baptist to a deserted place where he feeds throngs from emptiness to abundance.

how would Jesus police

How Would Jesus Police? Service and Protection Through the Lens of Mercy, Not Sacrifice

Asking, "How would Jesus police?," Lindsey Paris-Lopez reframes our understanding of service and protection through the lens of mercy, not sacrifice.

Jesus Was A “Weed”

7th Sunday After Pentecost: Jesus Was A “Weed”

Adam and Lindsey dive deep into the weeds and the wheat to discover what Jesus is doing instead of weeding out the evil ones.

the sower sows love

6th Sunday After Pentecost: The Sower Sows Love

Adam and Lindsey read the parable of the sower through a lens of humility and love because the sower sows love.

Navigating Internal Conflict

Wrestling For A Blessing: Navigating Internal Conflict

Lindsey Paris-Lopez draws on parallels between the biblical story of Jacob in the Jabbok and her own personal faith journey, illuminating three insights about the nature of internal conflict.

Wisdom of Infants

5th Sunday After Pentecost: The Wisdom of Infants

Jesus says the wisdom of God has been revealed to infants. Adam and Lindsey explore what this means for us today.

What Is A Prophet’s Reward?

4th Sunday After Pentecost: What Is A Prophet’s Reward?

Adam and Lindsey reveal as more and more people stand with the prophets, the prophet’s reward becomes hope. and ultimately, justice.

from exceptionalism to empathy

From Exceptionalism to Empathy: Transforming the Triple Evils and Reframing Our National Identity

Lindsey Paris-Lopez draws on Martin Luther King Jr.'s triple evils – racism, militarism, and materialism – as the three pillars of American exceptionalism then offers ways to transform them.

Jesus Sending Us Into Hell

3rd Sunday After Pentecost: Why Jesus Is Sending Us Into Hell?

Adam and Lindsey seek to de-weaponize but not disempower these bold words of Jesus then ask why Jesus is sending us into hell.

Cananean Lives Matter

Sunday After Pentecost: Cananean Lives Matter

Lindsey and Adam discuss Matthew 9:35-10:8, shining the light of God’s expanding, all-inclusive love and showing Cananean lives matter.

Jesus unmasked

Jesus Unmasked

“Jesus Unmasked” seeks to remove the masks of exclusive theology and violent cultural lenses that obscure the truth of Jesus’s unconditional love.

God is a Dance of Love

Trinity Sunday: God is a Dance of Love

The Trinity is the Love-dance of God, ever-flowing in relationship. And the nature of God’s relationship is a dance of harmony.

Pentecost: Love is the Universal Language

Pentecost: Love is the Universal Language

Adam and Lindsey rejoice in the truth of Pentecost - that God’s universal love unites us and brings us into our fullest selves.

How to Avoid Becoming What We Hate

How to Avoid Becoming What We Hate By Saving What We Love: Mimetic Doubling in Star Wars, The Hunger Games, & Harry Potter

Lindsey Paris-Lopez explores mimetic doubling in three works of popular fiction: Star Wars, The Hunger Games, and Harry Potter.

Easter Relationship with Love is Eternal Life

Easter 7A: Relationship with Love is Eternal Life

Love is demonstrated in the apostles' relationship with Jesus, and that relationship is eternal life explain Adam and Lindsey.

easter spirit of truth

Easter 6A: The Spirit of Truth

Jesus, our first Advocate, defender of victims and the accused sends to the world the Spirit of Truth state Adam and Lindsey.

Most Misused Verse in Scripture

Easter 5A: The Most Misused Verse in Scripture

The most misused verse in Scripture, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” is inclusive explain Adam and Lindsey.

jesus the sheep gate

Easter 4A: Jesus the Sheep Gate

When Jesus says, “I am the sheep gate,” he is saying he is the way for the vulnerable and marginalized explain Adam and Lindsey.

road to emmaus confusion to understanding

Easter3A: The Road to Emmaus: Walking Through Confusion Into Understanding

The Road to Emmaus in Luke is one of the most underrated stories in all of scripture since it begins in confusion and ends in understanding.

Holy Spirit of Forgiveness and Trust

Easter 2A: The Holy Spirit of Forgiveness and Trust

With the words, “Receive the Holy Spirit”, Jesus breathes new life into his disciples, offering a spirit of trust and forgiveness.

Easter Peace in the Time of Coronavirus

Easter Fear and Easter Peace in the Time of Coronavirus

Celebrating Easter in a time that is very different than anything we could have anticipated, Lindsey Paris-Lopez unearths beautiful messages of love, vulnerability, and connection.

easter we all rise together

Easter: We All Rise Together

Adam and Lindsey discuss “Do not hold onto me, because I have not yet ascended to the Father,” for we do not rise until we all rise together.

Peter’s Betrayal and Jesus’s Words from the Cross

Good Friday: Peter’s Betrayal and Jesus’s Words from the Cross

Lindsey and Adam concentrate on one section from each chapter of the Good Friday readings - Peter's betrayal and Jesus' words from the cross.

Palm Sunday: A Subversive King

Palm Sunday: A Subversive King

Lindsey and Adam explain how Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday subverts all understanding of what it means to be a king.

Transforming Death Into Life Lazarus

Lent 5A: Transforming Death Into Life

Lindsey and Adam look closely at the story of Lazarus, seeing patterns of accusation and a world caught up in violence.

the blinding light that helps us see

Lent 4A: The Blinding Light that Helps Us See

Lindsey and Adam explore the victim-blaming mentality that views misfortune and terrible circumstances as punishment for sin.

good omens talk love doubt certainty

“Good Omens” Stars Crowley and Aziraphale Talk Love, Doubt, and Saving the World from Certainty

In an imaginary interview with the main characters of "Good Omens", Lindsey Paris-Lopez discusses love, doubt, and saving the world from certainty.

the woman at the well

Lent 3A: The Woman at the Well

Lindsey and Adam explore the victim-blaming mentality that views misfortune and terrible circumstances as punishment for sin.

God’s Unconditional Love

Lent 2A: God’s Unconditional Love

Adam and Lindsey explore the meaning of John 3:16, asking what are we saved from and what does it mean to be called to believe in Jesus.

The Treachery of “If”

Lent 1A: The Treachery of “If”

Lindsey and Adam explore each Jesus' temptations and also seek to understand why Jesus goes to be tempted in the first place.

Happy Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

Adam convinces Lindsey to celebrate as we enter the season of Lent together! Happy Ash Wednesday, let's celebrate.

Debunking God's cancel culture

Debunking God’s “Cancel Culture”: How Mercy Can Heal The World

In a world that can be so quick to "cancel," Lindsey Paris-Lopez poses four ways we can have compassionate accountability.

the transfiguration

Epiphany 7A: The Transfiguration

Adam and Lindsey explain how the transfiguration is the story of the transformation of our understanding of God.

Epiphany 6A: Collapsing the Boundaries Between Heaven and Earth

Adam and Lindsey describe how the verses Matt 5:21-37 are very subversive, challenging our sensibilities about God, humanity, and morality.

Jesus Gets Salty!

Epiphany 5A: Jesus Gets Salty!

Adam and Lindsey detail how Jesus is critiquing a method of interpretation and exposing its consequences, not condemning a group of people.

beatitudes Jesus flipped everything

Epiphany 4A: The Beatitudes – That Time Jesus Flipped Everything Upside Down

Adam and Lindsey discuss all of the beatitudes, the ones they find inspiring and the ones they find difficult.