Merry Christmas! The Love that Banishes Fear

God comes not in the form of power, but in the form of a tiny, humble, vulnerable baby.


We begin with an overview of a vast, sweeping Empire and an Emperor who wants to tax all whom he has conquered. In the Roman world, Caesar was understood to be the Son of God…

But we quickly zoom in on a tiny barn in the middle of nowhere. Our focus is redirected; our perspective shifts.

God comes not in the form of power, but in the form of a tiny, humble, vulnerable baby.

It’s a frightening world when you live on occupied land. It’s a frightening world when you’re a shepherd, condemned as a criminal. It’s a frightening world when you’re an unwed teen mother. It’s a frightening world when you’re 9 months pregnant, you’ve been traveling all day, and you can’t find rest when you feel the life inside you bursting forth…

But the wonder of God, the Love that transforms the world, breaks through all the fear. In the bleak darkness, the light breaks forth.

Lindsey and Adam and friends celebrate the hope of Christmas that banishes all fear.

The Olive

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