While some Christians uses passages in the Bible used to harm and exclude our LGBTQIA siblings, Pastor Adam Ericksen reveals how the Bible naturally leads Christians to be open and affirming.

Pastor Adam Ericksen offers a TikTok video series as guides for unlearning the Bible interpretations that separate us from God and one other.

Pastor Adam Ericksen offers a TikTok video series to guide us in unlearning Christian homophobia and become welcoming to all.

Pastor Adam Ericksen explains how we imitate others consciously and unconsciously, even our enemies. He offers a model of love and inclusion.

In his book, “Faith After Doubt,” Brian McLaren navigates complex personal faith journeys, revealing faith after doubt is revolutionary love.

This Tokens show podcast episode reveals the work of Jerry Mitchell in reopening unsolved murder cases from the civil rights era.

Suzanne Ross invites Melvin Bray to discuss the social addiction of violence and how we can begin unlearning it.

Suzanne Ross uses Christ’s Sermon on the Mount to examine fake freedom and to answer the question “How free are you?”

Watch the replay of our Mimetic Invitations Launch Party, where we watched the first two videos in our Mimetic Invitations series with commentary from a panel of interdisciplinary experts!

Lindsey Paris-Lopez examines the rivalry between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr in the musical “Hamilton” then offers a way to coexist, and even thrive, with our rivals.